
This page details QuartiCal’s recommended installation procedure.

Ubuntu 18.04+ via pip

This is the preferred method of installation. It is simple but may be vulnerable to upstream changes.

If you wish to install QuartiCal in a virtual environment (recommended), see Using a virtual environment.

QuartiCal can be installed by running the following:

pip3 install quartical


To install in development mode, assuming that you have already cloned the repository, run:

pip3 install -e path/to/repo/

Ubuntu 18.04+ via poetry

Installing via poetry is less simple but should always work.

Firstly, install poetry

Assuming you have cloned the repository from git and checked out the relevant tag, run the following from inside the QuartiCal folder:

poetry install


This will automatically install QuartiCal into a new virtual environment matching your system Python. The Python version can be changed prior to installation using:

poetry env use python3.10

Users can enter the QuartiCal virtual environment using:

poetry -C path/to/repo shell

Using a virtual environment

Installing QuartiCal in a virtual environment is highly recommended. To install virtualenv using apt, run:

sudo apt install python3-virtualenv

To create a virtualenv, run:

virtualenv -p python3 path/to/env/name

Activate the environment using:

source path/to/env/name/bin/activate

This should change the command line prompt to be consistent with the virtualenv name.

It is often necessary to update pip, setuptools and wheel inside the environment:

pip3 install -U pip setuptools wheel